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Shame is no longer your name!

Writer's picture: Crystalyn MasonCrystalyn Mason

Shame gives us a false mindset of who we are! It's a lie that speaks perpetually when we continue to feed it with the opinions of others! This is very important for you to see God's Glory; Blessed are those who are pure in heart for they shall see God! How do we receive a pure heart in order to see God? What is it like to see the God of Glory? Take a look at

Hebrews 12:2 'looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.' First to receive a pure heart to see God we must come to Christ Jesus to receive Salvation, healing and deliverance from sin in our life. See sin keeps us separated from God and Jesus has made a way for us to enter into a relationship with God the Father. No one can come to the Father except through Him. See John 14:6.

Second to see God we must be looking upon Jesus because He is the Author, the writer of our story, and the finisher, the publisher of our story, of Faith! We see the goodness, wholeness, healed, and delivered person that we are because of who Jesus is and where He sits. He endured and He pushed through doing God's will on the cross for us. Now here comes the pain, He despised the shame and that means everything the enemy tried to tell him he was he hated it because Jesus KNEW WHO HE WAS!! The enemy tried to tell Him " "You're finished, I won" "Who do you think you are trying to defeat me?" He was taunted, teased, rejected, beaten, spat on, and He hated it deeply, the sin that He bore on His shoulders for us, He felt every emotion we would ever feel! Now here comes the Power, He endured all of this because the joy that was set before Him was to sit at the right of the Throne of God! When Jesus said, " It is finished" He won the battle of shame that would ever be spoken at us, to us, over us or the words we would speak to ourselves. We are not to be ashamed of who we are because Jesus took the shame we would ever feel to the cross! He Loves you this much to perfect our faith through Him and silence the lies of the enemy's shame!

You are not the opinions of others; YOU ARE THE POWER CARRIER OF GOD THROUGH JESUS! Pick up your cross and follow Jesus, He has already died on the cross to pay for our sin, we carry it to show our faith and share our story of what Jesus has saved us from, whatever sin it may be, sin in God's eyes in NEVER in a category of what is greater than the other, sin to God is sin; AND you my beautiful one have been saved from it.

I pray You receive understanding, and the Holy Spirit would enlighten your eyes to believe in your heart just how much He REALLY Loves and Cares about you!

Behold, this is what it's like to see the Glory of God

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